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The World Food Prize is accepting nominations for the year 2025. The World Food Prize is the most important international award that recognizes the achievements of people who have advanced human development by improving the quality, quantity, or availability of food in the world. The World Food Award is awarded for a specific, exceptionally significant individual achievement that promotes human development with a demonstrable increase in food quantity, quality, availability, or access through creative interventions at any point within the total scope of the food system. The World Food Prize is an opportunity to win a prize of $ 500,000 that will be formally presented at the Laureate Awards Ceremony in mid-October, on or around World Food Day, in conjunction with the international Borlaug Dialogue Symposium.

The World Food Prize is a prestigious international award that recognizes exceptional scientific or policy efforts towards minimizing hunger and improving food security. The international competition is an amazing chance to make your name internationally. Nominations are sought from an individual or individuals who have demonstrated exceptional achievement in any field involved in improving food production and distribution and increasing the availability and accessibility of food for those most in need. Any academic or research institution, public or private organization, corporate entity, or government unit can submit a nomination for the World Food Prize by May 1.

Fields of achievement include, but are not limited to, soil and land; plant and animal science; food science and technology; nutrition; rural development; marketing; food processing, packaging, and storage; water and environment; conservation of natural resources; physical infrastructure; transportation and distribution; extraordinary feeding programs; social organization and elimination of poverty; economy and finance; policy analysis and implementation; and public promotion.

  • Eligible Regions: Anyone can apply
  • Deadline: May 1, 2024

Eligibility Criteria for the World Food Prize 2025:

  • It must be demonstrated that this exceptionally significant achievement has resulted in a demonstrable increase in the quantity, quality, availability, or access to food for a large number of people.
  • The impact of this work must be measurable, quantifiable, or otherwise demonstrated in terms of reducing poverty, hunger, or suffering or improving health, nutrition, quality of life, and well-being.
  • It must be clearly demonstrated that this increase in food security is the direct result of the candidate’s specific actions and activities; that is, without their specific fulfillment, no change would have occurred.
  • A candidate must be alive and healthy enough to attend the World Food Prize award ceremony. The nominee must be able to deliver an acceptance speech and agree to participate in selected media events and the World Food Prize World Youth Institute at the time of the awards ceremony.
  • The prize is intended to be awarded to one person. In exceptional circumstances where one or more additional people have collaborated in an indispensable way, more than one person may be included in the application. However, it must be conclusively shown that each person has contributed in an essential way and that without everyone’s contribution, no achievement would have been possible. The World Food Prize Selection Committee will determine whether a joint nomination meets these criteria and, in cases where it judges that this standard has not been met, will limit the number of people considered.
  • Any academic institution, private or public organization, or government unit can submit a nomination for the World Food Prize.
  • Such an entity may submit as many applications as it deems appropriate. All applications are confidential, and the identities of the nominators and the organizations proposing them are strictly confidential.
  • Individuals can generate applications, but they must be approved and submitted through an academic institution, private or public organization, or government unit. Self-nominations will not be considered.
  • Applicants remain eligible for three years from the year of submission. Proposers are encouraged to provide up-to-date information during this period. After this three-year period, a new application must be submitted for the candidate to continue to be considered. The selection committee may decide to extend the eligibility period for applications deemed worthy of further consideration.

Benefits :

If you meet the eligibility criteria above, make sure to go through the various advantages of this international Food Competition 2025. The list of benefits is compiled below.

Benefits of World Food Prize Competition 2025:

  • The World Food Prize is a $ 500,000 prize formally presented at the Laureate Awards Ceremony in mid-October, on or around World Food Day, in conjunction with the international Borlaug Dialogue symposium.
  • An opportunity to make your name internationally.
  • Information and documents of the winner may be used to prepare press materials on the winner, which means they will get media visibility.
  • A chance to make connections and networks with other big names in your relevant field.

World Food Prize Required Documents:

  • Nominator Information: The name (s) of the person (s) submitting the nomination, the name of the nominating organization, mailing address, email address, and telephone number. The application must be approved by a senior official of the nominating organization who certifies the accuracy of the information.
  • Nominee information: name, current position, mailing address, email address, phone number, date, and country of birth and citizenship.
  • Biographical information: A curriculum vitae or CV detailing the candidate’s positions, training, professional affiliations, distinctions, and awards.
  • Photograph: Photo of the candidate.
  • Synopsis: In 150 words or less, why the nominee should receive the World Food Prize.
  • Success Statement: In no more than two pages, describe the candidate’s specific achievement. The nominee must be nominated for a specific, measurable, and sustainable achievement that has significantly increased the quality, quantity, availability, or access to food.
  • Impact Statement: Describe in no more than two pages the impact of the candidate’s achievements in terms of improving health, nutrition, and quality of life or reducing levels of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. The statement should clearly summarize:
  1. The number of people affected;
  2. The geographic limits of the impact, and
  3. The effect of overtime on the well-being of those affected.
  4. The most convincing applications will quantitatively demonstrate the change (s) that have occurred as a direct result of the applicant’s achievement.
  • Support for Applications: A signed and dated letter supporting the application must be provided by at least two people who are familiar with the applicant’s work, but who are not directly associated with the proposing organization. Letters supporting the application should ideally provide additional information regarding the applicant’s accomplishments as well as their impact on those affected.
  • Supporting documents: Documents must be provided to support the application. These may include: news or newspaper articles describing the candidate’s accomplishments and the impact of their work; and posts by or about the candidate that relate directly to the achievement. Please send only digital copies of each document.

Application Process:

  • To submit an application, please click on the Apply Now button above.
  • Applicants must create an account on the official website.
  • After creating the account, applicants will be asked to fill out the nomination form.
  • Applicants must complete the application form before they will be allowed to submit their nomination.
  • In the first step of the application, the applicant will be required to add nominator information, including name, position, organization, phone number, email, and mailing address.
  • In step two, the applicant will be required to enter and provide nominee information, including Name, Current Position and Organization, Date of Birth, Country, and Synopsis (150 words or less).
  • At last, applicants will also be required to upload other supporting (required) documents.
  • Please note that all text documents must be submitted in Microsoft Word or PDF format (.doc, .docx, or .pdf).
  • If a nominee becomes a winner of the World Food Prize, the information in the nomination and supporting documents may be used to prepare press materials on the winner.

World Food Prize Application Deadline:

The last date to submit your World Food Prize 2025 application is 1 May 2024.