The preparation of the CSS Exam is a very lengthy process involving 4-6 months for one attempt. Every mistake that we commit takes a precious one and of years of our lifetime. Therefore, less the number of mistakes in our preparation, less the time that we take to succeed in this examination. Let me list out a few common mistakes aspirants generally make:
1. Take Syllabus as Bible
The first and foremost mistake is that the aspirants do not look into the syllabus prescribed by FPSC. Once you start your preparation, the Bible of every aspirant should be the Syllabus. The right activity that should be carried out is that give importance to each and every word given in the syllabus, and see whether that part of the syllabus, questions arisen in the previous years. So, each part of the syllabus has to be covered methodically in the preparation process and then only you can have a complete overall preparation.
2. Previous Question Papers as a Guide
The guide for every aspirant should be the Past Papers Questions. Candidates generally do not refer to the previous year’s question papers throughout their preparation. So, once you start the preparation have the Past Papers Questions in hand and refer to them. When you study a chapter, just go through what Past Papers Questions asked from this chapter, see in which part of the portion it asked and give importance to that area when you study. So, have the Past Papers Questions as the guide for your preparation.
3. Choosing the Right Optional
The most grievous mistake of aspirants is choosing the right optional. Choosing optional in a hasty mode with the opinion of the friends, then they think! Was it a right optional for me? After wasting 1 or 2 attempts. Students should avoid this. Choosing the optional is most critical decision of every aspirant. Therefore, before choosing the optional, check your background and interest, go through the syllabus, see whether you incline towards a subject, whether you will be able to spend 3 to 4 hours of the day with the subject, whether the material is available for subject, whether you have any seniors who have actually passed with the subject successfully in examination or can guide you easily. See all these aspects and then only decide an optional. Whether, coaching is rightly available and material is also available for the subject, whether you will be able to score well with subject. So having answer all these questions, then choose the right optional.
4. Mingle with the Seniors
Another common mistake is that, generally aspirants do not mingle with the seniors, It is always better to have seniors for every optional you choose. Have them as a guide, friends, or philosopher, talk to them and tell them whatever the query appears in your mind, ask for clarifications. This is the way or I would say shortcut to success. So having contact with seniors is the next most important thing which aspirants should do and most of them fail to do it.
5. Group Study
Form a group of 4 or 5 aspirants who are of the same wavelength. Most aspirants end up studying in seclusion, in a room (all alone), and not knowing what is happening outside and trying hard. Every person would have the same difficulty, if we form a group we would be able to successfully come out of the battle in a much better manner. Therefore, a small group of 4 to 5 candidates is very ideal. So that, you can discuss things, you have test sessions, and you can meet frequently once or twice a week. This aspect also students to generally fail and they think that they will be wasting time with discussion and end up with seclusion and depression.
6. Self-Writing The next common thing is that aspirants do not give importance in writing frequent tests. This is very important for examination. Generally, candidates focus and spend more time on reading and studying but not in writing. And they don’t prepare short/bullet notes. Only when you write, when you appear for more mock tests, only when you put yourself in an examination mode, and you will be able to check Where You Are! Candidates do not get into test, unless they enter into the last face that is 1 months before the exam, and anyone have lot to correct in themselves leading to failure, even they have studied so much. So, writing test is very important and candidates should start this in the very preliminary stage.
Must Read
The preparation of CSS Exam is a very lengthy process involving 4-6 months of time for one attempt. Every mistake that we commit takes a precious one and of years of our lifetime. Therefore, less the number of mistakes in our preparation, less the time that we take to succeed in this examination. Let me list out few common mistakes aspirants generally make:
1. Take Syllabus as Bible
The first and the foremost mistake is that the aspirants do not look into the syllabus prescribed by FPSC. Once you start your preparation, the Bible of every aspirant should be the Syllabus. The right activity that should be carried out is that give importance to each and every word given in the syllabus, see whether that part of the syllabus, questions of arisen in the previous years. So, each part of syllabus has to be covered methodically in the preparation process and then only you can have a complete overall preparation.
2. Previous Question Papers as a Guide
The guide for every aspirant should be the Past Papers Questions. Candidates generally do not refer to the previous years question papers throughout their preparation. So, once you start the preparation have the Past Papers Questions in hand and refer to them. When you study a chapter, just go through what were Past Papers Questions asked from this chapter, see in which part of the portion it asked and give importance to that area when you study. So, have the Past Papers Questions as the guide for your preparation.
3. Choosing the Right Optional
The most grievous mistake of aspirants is choosing the right optional. Choosing optional in a hasty mode with the opinion of the friends, then they think! Was it a right optional for me? After wasting 1 or 2 attempts. Students should avoid this. Choosing the optional is most critical decision of every aspirant. Therefore, before choosing the optional, check your background and interest, go through the syllabus, see whether you are inclined towards a subject, whether you will be able to spend 3 to 4 hours of the day with the subject, whether the material is available for subject, whether you have any seniors who have actually passed with the subject successfully in examination or can guide you easily. See all these aspects and then only decide an optional. Whether, coaching is rightly available and material is also available for the subject, whether you will be able to score well with the subject. So having answered all these questions, then choosing the right optional.
4. Mingle with the Seniors
Another common mistake is that, generally aspirants do not mingle with the seniors, It is always better to have seniors for every optional you choose. Have them as a guide, friends, philosopher, talk to them and tell them whatever the query appear in your mind, ask for clarifications. This is the way or I would say shortcut to success. So having contacts with seniors is the next most important thing which aspirant should do and most of them fail to do.
5. Group Study
Form a group of 4 or 5 aspirants who are of the same wavelength. Most aspirants end up studying in seclusion, in a room (all alone), and not knowing what is happening outside and trying hard. Every person would have the same difficulty, if we formed a group we would be able to successfully come out of the battle in a much better manner. Therefore, a small group of 4 to 5 candidates is very ideal. So that, you can discuss things, you have test sessions, and you can meet frequently once or twice a week. This aspect also students to generally fail and they think that they will be wasting time with discussion and end up with seclusion and depression.
6. Self-Writing The next common thing is that aspirants do not give importance to writing frequent tests. This is very important for examination. Generally, candidates focus and spend more time on reading and studying but not on writing. And they don’t prepare short/bullet notes. Only when you write, when you appear for more mock tests, only when you put yourself in an examination mode, you will be able to check Where You Are! Candidates do not get into the test unless they enter into the last face which is 1 month before the exam, and anyone has a lot to correct in themselves leading to failure, even if they have studied so much. So, a writing test is very important and candidates should start this in the very preliminary stage.